Three Year Old Preschool Program

Our three year old classroom provides stimulating surroundings and plenty of loving attention. Your child will enjoy the comfort of his own personalized cot for napping and a cubby to store their personal belongings. Our teachers encourage healthy eating habits and self-help skills during our two scheduled meals and snack times. Your child's day is fill with "EXCEEDS" curriculum based activities in an environment that is designed with their needs in mind.

Our Classroom Environment

During a child's preschool years, Hinesville Childcare understands that your child is growing from a young child to an independent learner. Our three year old program is designed to promote creativity, exploration, and imagination. Our classrooms are furnished to promote learning through play in our dramatic play area, building with blocks, science, art, math & manipulative centers. Our teachers promote self-confidence and self-help skills.

During circle time your child will learn about the weather, days of the week, the alphabet, practice counting, colors and shapes. Singing and learning new rhymes along with Spanish are also important components of Circle Time. Each three year old will participate in a language and literacy group activity, math and science exploration time, and gross motor activities. An art project is completed each day. We make learning fun and enjoyable!